Once Again
It is all too much.
The struggle is beyond a struggle;
I am consumed, lost within the scope of overwhelm,
trapped within a cycle that won't end,
won't let me out of this turmoil.

The efforts are subdued
by manipulating opinion all of which isolate and belittle
the strength and wisdom within;
the many questions remain unanswered
leaving the only answer that matters,
an end will come because the punishment
is unwarranted, unfair, and fantastically unreal;
a dilemma of ethics and values,
of perspective blindness and factual reality
something difficult to ignore
in the face of smiling lies and an intuition that never waivers.
The endless tears of pain that shakes me to my bones
wrapped in the ice of intent,
burned by the application of negativity completely unwarranted.
The ignorance no longer providing the bliss of hope
or the rose coloured sight of optimistic potential,
only the cold, black truth of a familiar pattern
an already walked path...
and one,
one that remains repeated in its judgmental, intimidated,
injustice against the passion and dedication delivered in vain
once again.
The day will come all too soon,
once again the chapter ending before its respective time,
all the while disappointed but not surprised by the idiotic,
the pathetic symbolism of practice without integrity;
values without respect,
collaboration without cohesion,
the reasons remaining void of logic or benefit to any.
The day to walk away, confused, hurt, alone.